Protect yourself against Coronavirus with these Must Have Items

Protect yourself against Coronavirus with these Must Have Items



Although COVID-19 can easily spread via human to human transmission, it is not a deadly disease as the mortality rate is too low. But as they say ‘prevention is better than cure’. It is the duty of each individual to keep them safe by using necessary gear if required. On a normal basis, all you have to do is wash hands regularly with soap or alcohol-based sanitizers for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching anywhere on the face, if you feel an urge to cough or sneeze, then use elbows or tissues (dispose them safely), and stay at home if you are sick.
On the other hand, if you need to get something from the nearby stores, then make sure to distance yourself from other individuals and maybe even use masks and gloves, which you can buy at a discounted price along with other supplies such as hand sanitizers, thermometers, and much more from the respective store links provided below.

Essential Protective Gear Against Coronavirus:


Masks help you safeguard by not letting in viruses from the atmosphere to your nose and mouth. Although masks are ineffective in most cases unless you have advanced n95 or ffp3 versions, it is always good to have one on your face while going outside as it will help in protecting you from other germs and allergies. Also, you won’t touch your mouse/nose directly with a mask on your face.

Hand Sanitizers

Always make sure to have a hand sanitizer with you wherever you. Do note to buy those products which are based on alcohol.

Hand Wash and Soap

Hand Washes and Soaps are expected to be at every household. In fact, they are more than enough for you to disinfect your hands of viruses. All you have to do is wash your hands with them properly for a minimum of 20 seconds.


Gloves can be useful for those who go outside to buy groceries or other necessary products. Because that person may have to touch certain objects and surfaces on the way as well as in the stores.


It is always advised to have a thermometer at home to check on your body temperature when you are sick. By this, you can take the necessary medications on time and recover soon.

Note that even with these essential items, the best way to fight this coronavirus is staying back at home and preventing its spread. Masks, hand sanitizers, and gloves will help reduce the chances of contracting the virus, but it’s imperative that you head out your home only for restocking your groceries or for extremely urgent matters.

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